It’s one thing to commit to oral hygiene habits as a new year resolution. Brushing, flossing, visiting your dentist, and managing the foods you eat is all you need to do to keep your mouth healthy for life. However, if you notice some imperfections remain, you’ll want to take the extra time to address them with your cosmetic dentist in Pasadena.
Dentists now provide a wide variety of different cosmetic treatments, such as porcelain veneers, direct bonding, and teeth-whitening in Pasadena. No matter which one you choose, your dentist will help you make a recommendation.
Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening is one of the most popular treatments available from cosmetic dentists, and for good reason. Thanks to professional grade whitening treatments and take-home whitening kits, you can whiten your teeth multiple shades in just one visit or on your own time.
The process is quite simple. If you want the fastest results, you’ll want to aim for in-office whitening. Your practice will apply a whitening gel to your teeth, then shine a specialized dental light that activates the whitening agents. This process usually takes an hour. If you prefer to whiten your teeth at home, your dentist can create a custom-fitted mouth tray through an impression mold. Once you get home, you’ll fill the tray with bleaching gel and fit them in your mouth.
Porcelain Veneers
Do you notice minor chips, gaps, or stubborn stains that don’t benefit from teeth whitening? That’s where these wafer-thin covers come in. Porcelain veneers are meant to give your teeth a second chance at looking beautiful again. These custom-made porcelain restorations are designed to fit and blend in with your existing teeth.
The process usually requires your affected tooth to be buffed down slightly to make room for the veneer. After they the buff about 2 mm off, they’ll take an impression of your teeth and send it to a dental lab so they can fabricate your veneer. At your second visit, they’ll spread a composite resin on your tooth and place the veneer. Treat this like your natural tooth and brush it normally to make it last for years to come.
Direct Bonding
A technique also useful for filling cavities, dental bonding uses composite resin to fill chipped or fix slightly misaligned teeth in a single appointment. This method is ideal for tiny imperfections you’d still like to address.
Instead of creating a fabrication or applying a gel, they’ll take composite resin, as previously mentioned, and apply it to the affected tooth. Then they’ll shade it so it matches your tooth’s color and harden it with a curing light. This restoration can last 5 to 10 years when properly cared for and benefits from occasional touch-up whitening to keep its matching shade.
Let this be the year you perfect your smile. Schedule an appointment with your cosmetic dentist in Pasadena today to learn how they can brighten your smile!
About the Author
Dr. Kimber Holmes received her Doctorate of Dental Science from the University of Texas Dental Branch at Houston. Even with over 20 years of experience at her practice, she continues to pursue post-graduate study to stay updated on modern dental treatments and techniques. To learn more about her practice, contact her at (713) 946-5171 or visit her website.