Dental Implants for a Complete Smile in Pasadena, TX

April 27, 2015

If you have missing teeth and need to decide which tooth replacement choice would be best for you, then consider this: a dental implant is the only option that replaces your tooth from root to crown. With any other tooth replacement—a partial, dentures or a fixed bridge—the crown is replaced, but not the root. As such, you may need to contend with a prosthetic that slips or feels uncomfortable. At Pasadena Family Dentistry, Dr. Kimber Holmes and Dr. Erica Revel have rebuilt smiles for many people in and around Pasadena, TX, and they can do the same for you with dental implants.

People can have missing teeth for a number of different reasons:

  • Severe tooth decay
  • A failed root canal procedure
  • Traumatic injury
  • Gum disease
  • Abnormal wear and tear, often because of teeth grinding and clenching
  • Congenital defects

Whatever the reason, the need to replace missing teeth cannot be overstated. Even one missing tooth—to say nothing of several missing teeth—can cause someone to have difficulty chewing or talking, and they might be reluctant to smile or laugh.

Pasadena Dental Implants

For the first part of your dental implant procedure, Dr. Holmes or Dr. Revel will send you to a skilled oral surgeon or periodontist who will implant a titanium post in the jaw beneath your missing tooth. As you heal, the post and surrounding bone tissue will fuse together to form a stable foundation. Furthermore, this relationship between post and bone eliminates the bone deterioration that would otherwise happen without a tooth root.

When you’ve completely healed, you’ll return to Pasadena Family Dentistry where one of our doctors with attach a hand-crafted crown to the post. Your new dental implant will match the color and size of your natural teeth, so it will blend seamlessly with your smile.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you would like to learn more about how dental implants can complete your smile, then call Pasadena Family Dentistry to schedule a consultation with Dr. Holmes or Dr. Revel. We serve patients in Pasadena, TX, as well as the surrounding communities of South Houston, La Porte, Deer Park, Channelview, Clear Lake, and beyond.

Implant-Retained Dentures: The Many Benefits of Dental Implants in Pasadena, TX

September 16, 2014

Millions of patients who wear dentures cite the same recurring problems with their dental prostheses. Their dentures are uncomfortable and tend to slip or click when they eat and speak. Fortunately, there is a long-term solution that promises to more closely mimic nature’s intent: implant-retained dentures. At Pasadena Family Dentistry in Pasadena, TX, Dr. Kimber Holmes and Dr. Erica Revel offer a full range of superior restorative dentistry solutions, including custom dentures supported by dental implants.

Implant-Retained Dentures for a Stronger Smile

The decision to replace your traditional dentures with implant-retained dentures offers a wide range of benefits. In addition to offering exceptional comfort and a more natural, custom fit, implant-retained dentures look and feel more like your natural dentition than virtually any other restorative dentistry option today. The small, biocompatible dental implants gradually fuse with the bone tissue within your jaw, creating the ideal anchor for your custom-crafted overdenture. You can finally smile freely, eat confidently in public, and speak clearly without fear of a slipping denture.

An additional benefit of dental implants involves the way your jaw reacts to missing teeth. When you lose one or more teeth, the tissue that comprises your jaw begins to deteriorate immediately. Over time, this can lead to the loss of additional teeth as well as a sagging appearance in the face. The dental implants used to support your new denture effectively stimulate this bone tissue, mitigating the effects of the bone loss. You’ll love how strong, healthy, and brilliant your new smile is with the help of implant-retained dentures.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you currently wear dentures and you are interested in exploring the options afforded by dental implants, we invite you to contact our office in Pasadena, TX today to schedule your free consultation with our caring, experienced team. We genuinely look forward to helping you reclaim your comfort, confidence, and a beautiful smile with our restorative dentistry services. Our state-of-the-art dental practice warmly welcomes patients from Pasadena and the surrounding areas, including Clear Lake, Channelview, Deer Park, La Porte, South Houston, and more.