How Pasadena Family Dentistry Supports the Community
Giving Back is What We Do
At Pasadena Family Dentistry, we love not only improving the lives of our dental patients through dedicated oral healthcare, but we also enjoy helping to make our neighborhood a much happier place as well. Over the years, we’ve organized and participated in several great events, including the Health Fair Expo at San Jacinto College and our annual Coffee with a Cop breakfast to support our local law enforcement. We’re always looking for more ways to get involved!
Dentistry From the Heart
Our dental office has previously partnered with Dentistry From The Heart, a worldwide nonprofit organization that aims to give free dental care to people who otherwise do not have access to treatment. For over a decade, we opened our doors one day each year to anyone in our community who needed basic dental treatment. Our staff along with volunteers from the community provided dental services valued at more than $375,000 to over 600 patients.
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